What is Lymphoedema?

What is Lymphoedema?

- Liz to review content, change some wording, talk about transient and /or stages of lymphoedema.


Who develops oedema including lymphoedema?  

- Liz to add breast cancer-related lymphoedema,gyne surgery, prostate, head and neck surgery DVT here + breast lymphoedema +  lymphoedema of other structures to do with treatment and surgery

What are the signs and symptoms?

- Liz to review content



- Liz to add content

Lymphoedema Prevention Strategies

- Early intervention, pre- and post-op monitoring

Early Intervention Strategies

- early donning of garments, laser and massage

Management of other 'complications' associated with cancer treatments

- Include seroma, infection and breast oedema/lymphoedema, post-mastectomy pain syndrome, cellulitis

Deep Vein Thrombosis and Venous Insufficiency

Exercise and Lymphoedema

Garments Explained

Canberra Resources

Directions in Lymphoedema Research