Positive Motion Physiotherapy
Established by Liz Charlton in 2009, Positive Motion Physiotherapy remains the only Clinic in Canberra specialising in oncology and lymphoedema therapy. Our specialised team of therapists are members of the Australasian Lymphology Association (ALA) and are the only private therapists in Canberra listed on the ALA's National Lymphoedema Practitioner's Register (NLPR). The caring and highly qualified team support, motivate and encourage patients, whilst offering quality care and professional advice.
The Clinic has HICAPS facilities so private health rebates apply for physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy visits and exercise classes and individual exercise prescription.
We also accept Chronic Disease Management and Enhanced Primary Care Plans. Gap payments do apply.
Your therapist will work with you to create a rehabilitation program to suit your stage of recovery. That program may include a range of services to suit individual needs.
We are now pleased to offer small group exercise classes to cater for those who need a more supervised and supported return to exercise. Call the Clinic or email admin@positivemotion.com.au to find out more!